
First principle thinking involves breaking down complex problems into their most fundamental elements. By starting from self-evident propositions or assumptions, one can strip a problem down to its core and reconstruct, from the ground up, a solution that does not contradict any basic principles.

UniversalityPrinciples transcending contexts.Formulate definitions in enduring terms, applicable across all contexts and through time.
RationalityReason and logic prevailing over all criteria.Ensure all statements align with fundamental truths and logical consistency.
ApplicabilityTheory undivorced from practical viability.Bridge the gap between theoretical ideas and real-world implementation.
SimplicityClarity and ease of use.Strive for straightforward solutions and explanations to enhance accessibility and usability.
OpennessAll aspects open to scrutiny by anyone.Encourage transparency and inclusive inquiry, leaving no question unasked or person unheard.